Tuesday, July 29, 2014

totally neglected...

there is a tiny piece of garden in the east side of our home 
that we tend to neglect completely
we hardly ever go through this way...

but for some reason, 
despite the lack of watering, the lack of tending, and the lack of attention, 
the plants in this section of my garden do remarkably well.

the croscomias are so vibrant...
 i am shocked by their beauty when i see them because all the other croscomias 
elsewhere in my garden aren't thriving at all !!!

the hostas that i planted when we moved into the house 18 years ago, 
keep getting bigger (i've divided this three times already) and seem to be resistant of slugs,
unlike the other hostas in my yard.

i know that hostas like shade so it's a mystery to me how this one survives the heat...

then there is this vintage rose that has been here since before we moved in.  
it is the most fragrant and the most prickly of all my plant collection.  

i've trimmed it down drastically in past years but it keeps coming back, 
prickling whoever comes through that gate !!!

this is the door to the side shed that is located in same east garden pictured above.
ian  built it with all the extra wood that came with the house when we purchased it.

and this is wisteria...
someone once told me that you could never kill a wisteria...
 this is living proof !!!

yes, i know that i am royally blessed to have such beauty in my surroundings ... 
but to be neglectful and be pardoned year after year
 by such a forgiving plot of nature has made me doubly aware of it.


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