Tuesday, May 19, 2015

fun stuff 05/19/15

i am going to call this my teal blanke
since i'm trying to use up more teal scrap yarn than blues.
it's coming along really quickly...
with the beautiful weather, i've been knitting out in the back yard quite a bit.
I have been keeping watch for hummingbirds,
they have found the new feeders i received for mother's day!!!
marilyn robinson's lila is probably the most beautiful book i've read this year!!!
i have read it all the way through and have started again (immediately).
robinson writes so beautifully about loneliness, about kindness, about friendship 
and a very special love story (plus much more).
i read her gilead a while ago but must now pick it up again 
because of this poignant prequel. 

read it....you must, YOU MUST !!

what are you knitting? reading?
care to share?



  1. What a pretty combination of colours

  2. Love the colours you are knitting with, that blanket is going to be stunning. I have your book on my list, need to see if I can get it at the library :)

  3. lovely teal blanket and the book sounds delightful! Thank you for another book to add to the growing list.

  4. I love the different colours and textures in your blanket :) How wonderful to have hummingbirds in your back yard

  5. What beautiful colours and textures, it looks amazing.

  6. Love the teal blanket and having no hummingbirds over here in England, that sounds devine.


thank you for your kind words... they really do make my day !!!