Saturday, May 16, 2015

ache for wildness

all the dishes have been washed and dried;
the laundry, folded and put away;
the lawn, mowed to a perfect carpet;
and the pruning and deadheading over with...
doesn't the orderliness, domesticity and security of it all bring about in you
an ache for wildness?

the coast is calling !!!


  1. The coast sounds like fun. I hope you have a blast. I'm glad I stumbled across your blog today. I really enjoyed my visit. I'm about to scroll through some of your previous posts as well. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend... :)

  2. I sometimes wish i lived near the coast, but for me, the woods and the quiet call me. So lovely where you live!


thank you for your kind words... they really do make my day !!!