Tuesday, February 17, 2015

knitting and reading: 02/17/15

i finished that second set of dish cloths.
so much fun !!! ... the bright green colours sustained me during our rainy grey week.

i had to put ishiguro's remains of a day down for a while because anthony doerr's all the light we cannot see finally came in at the library.
i've had this book on hold since before christmas and there is no chance of renewing after my two weeks because there are hundreds on the wait list after me.
it is really really good so far... i'm almost halfway through and cannot put it down.

what are you knitting and reading?
care to share?



  1. Can't wait to hear how you like the book...it is on my list of books to read :)

  2. Thanks for the book idea. Apparently, I am the only person who hasn't heard of this book, so I am putting it on hold at my library RIGHT NOW! It sounds fantastic. Love your dishcloths. They are such fun to make.

  3. The cloths are brilliant, too pretty to be used!

  4. I love whipping out dish cloths for myself and as for a quick gift for friends and family!! Have a great week!

  5. I love knitting dish cloths. That green is a wonderful color for this dreary time of year!

  6. Sometimes we need some bright colors to lift us up during the grey winter. They came out real nice.

  7. Just looked that book up in our library system and there are 44 holds on six copies which may not seem like many to some people but since we live in a rural area where many people don't read (well, or even speak much English) that is saying something! So I added my name to make it 45 and will look forward to reading it sometime next year, haha!

  8. Your dish clothes are cute! I love your color patterns. Enjoy the book!

  9. I've been on the list for All the Light too. C'mon people! Read faster!!!😉

  10. Love the dishcloths, they look really fun!


thank you for your kind words... they really do make my day !!!