Wednesday, June 3, 2015

thrifted threads: rosey vermillion

welcome to what i wore wednesday
when i link up with lindsey and the ladies for some fashion fun 
and showcase some of the blooms around the hood.

my neighbour's roses have peaked!
they are as fragrant as they are beautiful...i hope you will enjoy them
the weather has warmed up quite a bit...and it is suppose to get warmer for the weekend
we didn't get the much needed rain that was forecasted ...
so i've been busy hand watering all the thirsty plants in the garden

my gardening outfit consisted of a knitted vermilion top over jean shorts.
i rarely go sleeveless when i go about town...
i'm always wary of the ocean breeze that tends to pick up after lunch time
but our south facing backyard has a little micro-climate of its own, 
always ten degrees warmer than everywhere else
i found this thrifted, sleeveless, vermilion, knitted top a while ago (maybe 2years back???)
f.y.i...vermilion is a shade of orange also known as china red
it's a gorgeous colour,
especially on the roses!!!



  1. I love the color theme you have going. We don't have roses blooming yet, but this gives me something to look forward to!

  2. Those roses are stunning. And I love your top :)

  3. Your top matches the color of the roses perfectly! You look gorgeous!!


thank you for your kind words... they really do make my day !!!