Tuesday, November 18, 2014

knitting and reading 11/18/14

my knitting needles 
are almost done with this project
just in time for the gift giving holiday, if i'm lucky...

it is a blanket i started almost a year ago, 
the second picture shows the length i've knitted so far

it is made of yarn from thrifted scarves that i've unraveled, 
left over balls from my knitting basket, 
and some that i found in thrift shops bins
all in that blue, grey, tone...

the book is mark repo's book of awakening
i stumbled upon the title 
while browsing through oprah magazine while at the dentist.
nepo's writing is captivating...
a beautiful read if you are looking for one !!!

what are you knitting and reading ?


joining nicole's crafting on and ginny's yarn along


  1. Amazing what you can do with thrifted yarn - it looks beautiful!

  2. I love that you use thrifted yarn, must remember this when I am thrifting :) Your book sounds interesting. Have a wonderful day Erica!

  3. Goodness me, what a labour of love. It's so beautiful, love the texture and the mix of colours. A beautiful project

  4. I read that book a while ago, I really enjoyed it! And I love the thrifted yarn! What a great use for it :-)

  5. lovely blanket and gorgeous colors! Thrifted yarn is a fantastic idea and I always keep a look out in the stores just for that purpose, but never seem to find it.


thank you for your kind words... they really do make my day !!!