Saturday, September 19, 2015

afternoon delight

every day
rain or shine
sprinting, full of energy 
or slowly, waiting for the afternoon coffee to kick in.
he leads the way...knowing where to turn, when to slow down 
and wait for me to cross the road.
on good days... we come across the resident deer family grazing.
on really really good days...we catch up with our favourite mail persons
 with bags full of mail and their pockets full of treats.
it's all on the timing you see?!?
my mid-day walk with harlow,
a little afternoon delight !!



  1. It sounds lovely, what a treat to look forward to each day :)

  2. Looks lovely, I bet Harlow is loving that too!

  3. I love that the mail persons have treats for the dogs...our oil delivery guy always has a treat or two for our dog :)


thank you for your kind words... they really do make my day !!!