Tuesday, October 13, 2015

fun stuff: this is happy

my scrap blankets are still growing, 
keeping me warm
while i blissfully knit away.
i finished emily st. john mandel's station eleven.
this book is incredible...mandel does an amazing job writing about 
the pain of surviving our love ones.
i can't recommend it enough !!

now, i'm reading camilla gibb's this is happy
so far, i find the writing to be raw, powerful (and not very happy).
it's a memoir and i think camilla gibb's fourth book.
what are you knitting? reading?
care to share?



  1. Look at your blanket, so warm and cozy. I am knitting a scarf at the moment, and will be casting on a hat soon, and reading The Season of Second Chances, just started it, so no opinion yet. Glad to hear you enjoyed Station Eleven...it's on my to read list :)

  2. I am now reading Stations Eleven because of you and so far I am liking it so thank you for the recommendation.
    Have fun knitting your pretty blanket.

  3. Oh look at it now, it looks so warm and cosy.

  4. A misleading title of ever I saw one then!! Your blankets are looking wonderfully gloriously happy on the other hand :)


thank you for your kind words... they really do make my day !!!