Friday, August 7, 2015


we have been back a whole week
and i am finally finding my home rhythm again.
though there are still lingering effects of that horrible stomach bug, 
i am feeling much better !!!
slowly but surely, the suitcases have been emptied and retired till our next trip, 
their contents have been laundered and put away.
i've done a couple of trips for groceries and have come home with 
the skinniest wedges of brie...with the price of brie in canada 
(at least 3X the french cost), it looks like i am going to be weening myself
(i must have eaten at least a quarter of my weight in cheese) 
off of this creamy decadence really quickly (triple sigh!!!)
my son isn't very happy with me at the moment because it seems like 
i've affected the speed of our computer system by downloading all the pictures 
(count is at almost 7000) that i have taken.
as i go through them...choosing which ones to delete and discard, 
i can still feel and smell the city and its aliveness.
although the comfort and beauty of home is quickly filling me up...
paris is still lingering in me (and probably always will)!



  1. I too bet it will always linger in you, you guys had such a great trip. 7000! Have a wonderful weekend Erica. xo

  2. Yep, in addition to your stomach bug, you have a vacation hangover. Hang on to it as long as you can!

  3. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better, a stomach bug is no fun.
    I have a 'thing' for cheeses, all cheese. Funny, when I was growing
    up I never ate cheese, but now I must be making up for it because I
    could eat it every day!
    I really enjoyed seeing Paris thru your eyes, it was amazing!


thank you for your kind words... they really do make my day !!!