Friday, February 5, 2016

grow you food dude...

we come from the earth,
we return to the earth,
and in between
we garden.

                 - anonymous
i pick up a lot of inspiration during my walks...
especially around the colourful neighbourhoods near our home.

with the rising costs of grocery items (have you seen the price of celery lately ???)
this summer will definitely be my year of growing some grub !!!!

this has been on my new year's resolution list for decades now.
and i have had a few failed attempts in the past (mostly due to travel plans interrupting watering schedules).
but i'm determined this year...even if it means harvesting just a couple of tomatoes to make some mango salsa !!!
wishing you all a very lovely friday

p.s.  just because karen wants to know ...


  1. Wishing you all the best with you gardening adventures, my friend, you got this! Enjoy your weekend. xo

  2. Love those pictures are they all on posts? Have fun with the gardening we do a bit too not always terribly successfully!

  3. Loving these pieces of art- how fun Erica, thank you for sharing.
    All I have to say is tomatoes...really???!
    Tomatoes $$$$$

  4. how much is your celery? Mine is $2.49 not on sale. Just wondering! WE are planning to do a garden as well, I love your artwork on your walks!

  5. I love your art photos so much Erica.
    Food prices have continued to climb here too, it's crazy,
    and we are planning a huge garden this year. My Mike and I
    were just talking about getting all the canning jars out and
    taking stock.


thank you for your kind words... they really do make my day !!!