Monday, April 11, 2016

tree huggery

i didn't turn on a computer during the holidays, 
so lately, i've been blogging and sharing highlights of our trip. 

back in the homestead (ha ha)
 we spent the weekend in the back yard,
trimming our english walnut tree.

well, ian did the physical climbing, trimming and cutting
while i did the laboursome mental work of choosing which branches go.
i'm relieved and happy to report...
that nothing got broken (all my plants are still intact)
and no one got hurt (ian is soaking in epsom salts as i blog this).

also, ian thoroughly enjoyed his afternoon of tree hugging (despite his fear of heights).

bye bye too much shade
hello more sunshine (for my first attempt at tomato plants)


joining karen


  1. Yay for sunshine and tomato plants :)

  2. That's a huge tree! Glad to hear you got it chopped safely. Now onto the planting, hope the sun shines for you :)

  3. yay for sunshine and no one getting hurt :) we have two more that need to be taken down (we just had two removed in the fall!). Sounds like you are back into the swing of things :)


thank you for your kind words... they really do make my day !!!